Moon Course Media
Password: riacka www.mooncoursemedia.com
Project Type
Marketing website for online courses
Begin -> July 2022
Product Launch: August 2022
Phase 1 -> 1 Week -> Online competitor Research
Phase 2 -> 2 Weeks -> User flow, wireframe, style guide, branding, mockups
Phase 3 -> 1 weeks -> Build
Phase 4 -> 1 week -> Testing
My Role
Visual design, UX design, interaction, branding, web development, marketing strategies, testing, SEO
Project Brief
Build a website that offers marketing services for businesses selling online courses.
The Challenge
Course creators are experts in their fields, they have built amazing beautiful courses online and launched them only to find very little uptake and purchases on them.
The challenge for Moon course media is that they are a new business without a client base already. It will be difficult to attract clients without testimonials and brand names.
After the pandemic and with the shift to remote working many people are looking to improve their skills through digital learning. "Online learning platform Coursera has released its 2021 Impact Report, which shows more than 20 million new learners registered for courses in the year - equivalent to total growth in the three years pre-pandemic.” Weform
The Solution
A simple clear website - goal of the landing page will be to direct the user to use the booking system to book a free consultation
Professional feel. The free consultation will discuss the pricing and then an order will be sent to the customer